Our alums go amazing places!



Doe Anderson


Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists




Young & Laramore








Chemistry PR & Multimedia








Bardstown Bourbon Company




BCH Agency


Camp + King

TWBA 〰️ Doe Anderson 〰️ Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 〰️ Buntin 〰️ Young & Laramore 〰️ RedTag 〰️ Levelwing 〰️ Salesforce 〰️ Chemistry PR & Multimedia 〰️ Apple 〰️ Bohan 〰️ Google 〰️ Bardstown Bourbon Company 〰️ Peppercomm 〰️ BCH Agency 〰️ Camp + King

Meet Sarah

Current Role: Brand Manager at Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Imagewest is a goldmine of opportunity for rising marketing professionals. I can’t think of a more well-rounded experience a student could undergo to develop their skillset and add real-world experience to their resume. Four years later, I still apply strategies and best practices that I learned at Imagewest.
— Sarah Starkey

Meet Dom

Current Role: Entrepreneur

Imagewest is a place to gain on the job skills unlike any other. Working at Imagewest will put you ahead of other students when it comes to entering the job market.
— Dom Warfield

Meet Sydney

Current Role: Director of Client Services,
Chemistry PR & Multimedia

Imagewest prepared me for my career in communications more than any other aspect of my college career.
— Sydney Jones

Meet Isaac

Current Role: Jr. Art Director, BCH Agency

Imagewest provided invaluable real-world experience, teaching me about the advertising industry, agency roles, client relationships, and more. I also gained opportunities that I would not have received or had access to anywhere else. Imagewest has set me up for a long, successful and fulfilling career.
— Isaac Teske

Ready to join the team?